Falcon BMS
The Falcon Lounge is one of the biggest Falcon BMS Community. Let us tell you the story behind all… This website is exclusively built around the Falcon BMS 4.34 (at its current version). For those who don’t know much about the Falcon franchise history, I would strongly advise to check this page… Falcon in its latest “mod” is being kept “alive” in its development by a group of sim enthusiast under the name of “Benchmark Sims” (BMS). They released upgrades of the initial Falcon 4.0 franchise over the years with first BMS 4.32 and now BMS 4.34 (as per this page update). Falcon 4.34 in its current state is probably one of the most advanced F-16 military consumer simulator. Most of the non classified elements of the plane are simulated and most of the weapons the plane can carry are too. That doesn’t mean everything is accurate but for us this is already enough to master. Remember that the F-16 is a true multi-role fighter and thus can carry a wide panel of weapons.
Founding the “Falcon Lounge”
Being passionate about planes and with the F-16 it made sense to start sharing knowledge and building a helping / sharing community on more active platforms such as Twitch, YouTube and Discord. Seeing the level of enrollment of pilots into the “Falcon Lounge”, we wanted a true community project without the constraints of a squadron…
Ground rules
Instead of a long paragraph on what, who, where, when, … Let us introduce what we are and what are not… 🙂
We are:
- An English speaking community
- An exchange platform over the Falcon BMS universe
- A training ground for people who want to invest time into Falcon BMS (See Academy)
- A group that organize monthly flights between “lone wolf” pilots and/or squadrons (events must be approved by the Falcon Lounge Staff)
- An mean for pilots to plan ad-hoc flights between themselves
We are not:
- A squadron
- An advertisement space for squadrons
- A recruitment place for people who are not involved in our community’s life
- A training academy for squadrons (partnerships can be negotiated on the ground that instructors do teach on the Falcon Lounge)
- A group of obnoxious sim pilots on Falcon BMS that think they have the ultimate knowledge 🙂
We hope you help us in our crusade for Falcon BMS!