Dear Pilots,
Summer is here, many of you are still confined and others have the luxury to travel a bit.
Anyway, our virtual skies are still open where ever you live (that’s probably the great thing about Flight Sims).
I wanted to share some news in regards to the Falcon Lounge Activities:
Falcon Lounge Survey (results)
How did you come to know Falcon Lounge Website or Discord?

How did you come to know Falcon BMS?

Since when do you play Falcon BMS?

How would you evaluate your combat flight simulation experience?

0 being no skills and 100 being expert…
What attracted you the most about Falcon BMS?

What is the most difficult for you in Falcon BMS?

For the “Other” category, here is a bit of detail:
- Air-To-Air Refueling
- Gaining experience to defeat SAM
- Lack of VR
- UI needs revamp
- …
Why would you continue flying Falcon BMS?

Here are the main categories we can extract from the feedback:
- Dynamic Campaign
- Feeling being part of the war, pilot experience
- F-16 Flight dynamics
- Multiplayer Experience
- …
How would you rate your experience with the Falcon Lounge community?

Would you have any recommendation for the Falcon Lounge?

Here are the main categories for the collected feedback:
- New Pilots “on-boarding” (Like Guides / articles on website)
- More training videos
- More events
- More content on the website courses on “tactics”
- We are a small elitist community that need to open up… (I personally don’t agree and may apply on the wider BMS community but the core of Falcon Lounge was build around sharing)
Would you recommend Falcon Lounge for a Falcon BMS journey?

Falcon Lounge’s Future
We have seen a big growth those last months with now more than 1400 discord members. The shape of the community has changed a lot lately with many new comers to Falcon BMS.
This has led us to some decisions in events and organizations.
Falcon Lounge TvT event
The Polar Vortex TvT was a great experience overall with a good participation level. We took some lessons learned from that experience and gathered some good items to implement for future TvT (Might depend on when 4.35 will be out).
We are currently looking into regions that could be interesting for a TvT event as we speak.
It might take some time though…
It will come back for sure!
Falcon Lounge New Team
With the level of growth we have seen recently, it is time to shuffle the cards and put a fresh organization in place.
Here is the organization proposed:
**Falcon Lounge Staffing Project**
__FL Management__
- MaxWaldorf
- 1 Open Position (TBD)
Falcon Lounge Staff
Coordinates with other roles
Ensure Falcon Lounge Community spirit is preserved
If you think you can do better or as well as I did :D, please do apply
(This position could be open or not depending on trust)
__FL Global Moderation__
- 2 / 3 Open Positions (EU Time Zone)
- 2 / 3 Open Positions (US Time Zone)
Discord moderation Team
Makes sure globally that new comers are routed correctly
Kick / Ban users if required
Route discussions in the right channels
Make sure tone is fine and mutual respect
__FL Event Coordination__
- 2 Open Positions
FL event and planning coordination
Schedule / help coordinate official Events for FL pilots
Prepare / retrieve material necessary for events
Coordinate training events with Training team
Can request and coordinate with FL Server Managers
__FL Trainers__
Not limited (based on williness to share, host and animate...)
FL Server could be used based on availability.
Falcon BMS trainers
Need to have correct knowledge of Falcon BMS
Will host the training on Falcon Lounge Discord
__FL Server Management__
- MaxWaldorf
- 1 Open Position (TBD possibly US based)
Keys to the Falcon Lounge Server
Not much to say else...
(This position could be open or not depending on trust)
Who can or should apply?
You should be a Falcon Lounge follower at least (on discord).
You need to dedicate time to your position… There is no wage but a lot of fun (and some frustration to be expected).
You need to be part of the Falcon Lounge and represent the spirit!
How can I apply?
Easy! Just send and email to maxwaldorf [at] with the desired position and motivation.
Don’t forget to also tell me about your ideas to fulfill your position!
I am hoping that this long article was informative and will also give you an insight on your main BMS community.
Have a great summer and see you in the virtual skies soon!!!